ZAGREB, Sept 26 (Hina) - The Croatian Parliament's House of
Representatives on Thursday concluded a discussion on the Media
"Legislators can iron out this law and make it ideal, but it
won't have any effect as long as Parliament passes other laws
providing for disciplinary measures against journalists," said
Marin Jurjevic of the Social Democratic Party.
Istrian Democratic Assembly deputy Damir Kajin said that there
would be no freedom of information until the distribution of radio
and television frequencies had been liberalized.
Some provisions of this law could threaten freedom of
enterprise as well as freedom of the press, Vladimir Primorac of
the Social Liberal Party said.
Petar Zitnik of the Peasant Party criticized the government
for failing to incorporate all Council of Europe recommendations
into the law. Urgent legal proceedings for damage compensation were
in direct contravention of a constitutional provision on the
equality of citizens before courts of justice, he added.
The Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) supported the bill because
it found it to be in full harmony with the Constitution, HDZ deputy
Vladimir Seks said.
Rejecting as completely unfounded objections by "some foreign
circles that Croatia has laws which threaten critical opinion,"
Seks said that value judgments were not subject to criminal
"Provisions on responsibility for damage protect publishers to
such an extent that in certain circumstances they are not
accountable for disseminating false information," Seks said.
"If fines are several times higher than a a journalist's
salary, then he will think twice before publishing a certain
article," Srecko Bijelic of the Popular Party said.
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