ZAGREB, Sept 19 (Hina) - The local election commission in the
southern Bosnian town of Ravno said on Thursday it had not
received ballots from repeated elections held in Dubrovnik on
September 14.
The commission said that it had informed the OSCE mission in
Sarajevo and the Croatian government's National Coordinating
Commission for Bosnian elections about the problem.
Six hundred forty-two refugees from Ravno staying in
Dubrovnik could not vote on August 30 and 31 as other Bosnian
refugees in Croatia because OSCE had mistakenly sent them ballots
intended for the Serb entity.
On September 15, the Ravno election commission received in
the presence of an OSCE official ballots for cantonal assemblies
of the Bosnian Federation, ballots from the Serb Republic, and
ballots for some municipal governments, but not ballots from
Ravno refugees, the commission said in a statement.
The head of the Croatian National Coordinating Commission,
Damir Zoric, on Wedneday sent a letter to the OSCE representative
for Croatia, Tobias Wernle, demanding the case be investigated.
Mauro de Lorenzo, assistant to the coordinator of the OSCE
commission for the voting of Bosnian refugees, said on Thursday
that the ballots indeed had not been delivered to the local
election commission but had been counted in Sarajevo.
"As I was personally at the polling station in Dubrovnik on
Election Day, I can assure you that Mr Timothy M. Meisberger, an
Officer at OSCE Sarajevo, took charge of the ballots directly
following the close of the polling station on September 14, and
returned to Sarajevo with them on 15 September in an OSCE van,"
de Lorenzo said in a letter to Zoric.
De Lorenzo said that Meisberger had confirmed to him on
Thursday morning that "all ballots arrived in Sarajevo with the
sales unbroken, and that they have been counted."
He said that Meisberger had explained the situation to the
Ravno election commission and added there was no cause for any
According to the Croatian National Coordinating Commission,
OSCE election rules and regulations provide that absentee ballots
should be counted at municipal counting centres, so it was not
clear why this procedure was not followed in the case of Ravno.
(hina) vm
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