SARAJEVO, Sept 18 (Hina) - The attack on the house of Croat Stjepan
Vukadin in Bugojno, central Bosnia, on the eve of the Bosnian
elections, 14 September, seriously questioned the pilot-programme
for the return of refugees to four municipalities in the Bosnian
Federation, UNHCR spokesman Kris Janowski said in Sarajevo on
Evidence showed that the perpetrators were not only intent on
causing physical damage, but that it was a miracle that there were
no casualties in the explosion, Janowski said.
"We have forwarded a special letter to Bugojno head Dzevad
Mlaco and warned him that he was personally responsible for the
safety, not only of the Vukadin family, but of all other Croats in
that municipality", Janowski said, describing Mlaco, in relation to
the return of refugees, as one of the most cooperative local
officials in the Federation.
Before the incident, 98 Croat families had returned to
Bugojno, but tension in the town increased considerably ever since.
According to UNHCR, 202 Bosniak families had returned to the
nearby Jajce, controlled by the Croatian Defense Council (HVO), by
Tuesday, thus completing the plan for the return to that town.
The project was a bit slower in HVO-controlled Stolac, 20
kilometres south of Mostar, but Bosniaks there were allowed to
repair their homes. The atmosphere was better than before, Janowski
said, because Bosniaks had full freedom of movement, even though
none of them had finally settled in the town.
The project for the return of several Croat families to
Bosniak-controlled Travnik in central Bosnia had been completed a
lot earlier.
(hina) ha mm
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