MOSTAR, Sept 12 (Hina) - Mostar Mayor Ivan Prskalo on Thursday
stated that he would do everything to avoid conflicts in Mostar. He
said that yesterday's incident was "a carefully thought-out way of
provoking and raising tension".
In his statement Prskalo pointed out that "yesterday, along
the Bulevar, towards Rodoc, and especially in the Podhum district,
organized groups and individuals of Muslim-Bosniak nationality
continually tried to provoke Croats living in that area and in the
whole city of Mostar according to a thought-out scenario".
"That this was a planned and carefully thought-out way of
provoking and raising tension is corroborated by the fact that
those groups were accompanied by the local Bosniak TV".
"If we bear in mind that the final election rally of the
Croatian Democratic Union was taking place in Mostar yesterday,
that sick scenario gains even more in its gravity", Prskalo said.
"Croats in Mostar need not be alarmed, nor allow their
reactions to cause an even more difficult situation", the statement
"The policy of controlled instability, perpetuated in Mostar
for a long time, must be put to a stop, we'll name the
perpetrators, and this time we're warning them to stop with their
dirty actions".
"On behalf of all Mostar Croats, I as the Mayor offer a policy
of peace and security to this city and its every citizen. For those
who want a different policy, there will be no place in this city",
the statement concluded.
(hina) ha jn
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