NOVI TRAVNIK, 11 Sept (Hina) - The Croat-controlled section of Novi
Travnik, central Bosnia, remained without water supply two days
ago, Croat municipal leadership in Novi Travnik said Wednesday. The
Bosniac side, which is controlling water sources, has been reducing
water supply to the Croat-controlled part of the town for 20 days.
Two days ago, water supply to the Croat-controlled part of the
town was cut off completely.
Schools and the town bakery are not working and the situation
in the local health care service is critical. The Croat authorities
claim that this is pre-election manipulation, which is contrary to
election regulations and the Croat-Muslim partnership.
The Dutch IFOR battalion today tried to mediate in the dispute
but the Bosniac side completely rejected negotiations on the
restoration of water supply to Novi Travnik.
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