BUGOJNO, Aug 30 (Hina) - A cafe owned by a Bosnian Moslem was blown
up two days ago in the northwestern Bosnian town of Bihac, a
spokesman for the International Police Task Force in Sector
Southwest, Alun Roberts, said on Friday.
The blast caused substantial damage to the apartment building
in which the cafe was housed. Roberts said that very influential
Bosnian Moslem political and military figures lived in the
On August 28 an explosive device was planted in the building
in which the head of the canton, the interior minister of the
cantonal government, and the commander of the Bosnian Army 5th
Corps, General Atif Dudakovic, lived, Roberts said. A motive for
the attack was not clear, he added.
(hina) vm jn
301806 MET aug 96
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