ZADAR, Aug 23 (Hina) - A Serb Orthodox church in Karin Gornji,
about 25 km inland from the central Adriatic town of Zadar, was
blown up shortly before 8.00 hours on Friday, Zadar police said.
The Church of Holy Sunday was completely destroyed in the
blast while minor damage was done to four nearby family houses
and four cars.
Police told a press conference in Zadar that an
investigation was under way.
This was the first time that a Serb Orthodox church had been
destroyed in Zadar County and all valuable Orthodox churches are
constantly protected by the croatian police.
The Serb Orthodox church in Karic Gornji, built in 1986, is
not a monument of cultural and historic value and did not contain
any sacramental objects.
(hina) vm lm
231957 MET aug 96
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