ZAGREB, Jul 31 (Hina) - Croatian Finance Minister Bozo Prka and the
chairman of the International Coordination Committee of Commercial
Banks, Robert Gyenge, signed the final agreement on the swap of
Croatia's debt to the London Club for Croatian government bonds in
Zagreb on Wednesday.
Under this agreement, Croatia takes the responsibility for
about a third of former Yugoslavia's debt to the London club (US$
1.461 billion out of US$ 4.5 billion).
This debt is to be swapped against two series of Croatian
government bonds - A and B, which are to be admitted to the
Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
"The admission of Croatian government bonds to the Luxembourg
Stock Exchange once again confirms Croatia's reputation on
international capital markets," Prka said after signing the
"It will make it possible for Croatia to issue new bonds and
raise fresh capital," he said.
"This Agreements means our full financial independence for
former Yugoslavia," Deputy Prime Minister Borislav Skegro
According to Gyenge, the Agreement means a "normalisation of
relations between Croatia and the international financial community
and a more intensive economic growth in Croatia."
"The Agreement is an indicator that Croatia has a sound
economy," he added.
(hina) as
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