LIVNO, Jul 3 (Hina) - Representatives of Bosnian Croat refugees
from Bugojno called on international organisations and Bosnian
Federation authorities to help find the graves of 26 Bugojno Croats
who had been abducted and killed by Moslem authorities following
the Croat-Moslem conflict in 1993.
A letter to that effect was forwarded to international peace
coordinator Carl Bild, as well as the President and the Vice-
President of the Croat-Moslem Federation, Kresimir Zubak and Ejup
The letter called for a suspension of all contacts with the
president of the Bugojno war council, Dzevad Mlaco, whom the
chairman of the Moslem POW Exchange Commisison, Amor Masovic,
designated as responsible for the killing of the 26 Croats.
Masovic made that statement at a June 28 meeting with his
Croat counterpart Berislav Pusic, in the presence of Bildt's deputy
Michael Steiner and ICRC representative Marc Sassoli.
However, when the Bosnian Croat POW Exchange Office released a
statement from that meeting, quoting Masovic's allegations, Masovic
denied everything in a statement to the Sarajevo-based Onasa
The central-Bosnian town of Bugojno, currently under Bosnian
Moslem control, is one of the four towns involved in a pilot
project for the return of refugee families.
(hina) jn as
031248 MET jul 96
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