ZAGREB, July 1 (Hina) - Croatian Economy Minister Davor Stern on
Monday held talks with a delegation of the Vukovar County, eastern
Slavonia, headed by prefect Vlado Osust, which focused on the
economic reintegration of the county's occupied area and
possibilities of reconstructing the economy and town of Vukovar.
The Croatian government was not acquainted with the condition
of economic subjects in the occupied area, Stern said, adding that
a government delegation would soon visit the once big economic
systems in the area to discuss reconstruction and peaceful
reintegration with employees in the "Borovo" rubber and footwear
industry, the "Belje" agricultural complex, the "Vupik" food-
processing and "Vutex" textile industries.
Stern said that plans were already completed for restoring oil
and gas production, supplying gas to eastern Slavonia and Baranja,
the reconstruction of the Vukovar electric power system and the
building of the Danube-Sava canal and the Vukovar harbour.
As far as financing was concerned, Stern said that the
government would use budget money and try to get international
Osust said he would suggest to transitional administrator in
the occupied area, General Jacques Klein, the revitalization of the
Vukovar municipal services in order to improve sanitary conditions,
and added that the Belgian government was ready to donate $6.6
million for the reconstruction of the Vukovar harbour.
(hina) ha jn
011648 MET jul 96
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