OSIJEK, June 20 (Hina) - Ninety percent of military and
paramilitary troops have been dismissed and 90% of heavy weaponry
has been handed over to UNTAES by the end of the time-limit on
Thursday at noon, Croatian Presidential envoy with the government
Office for Temporary Administration and head of the Temporary
Committee for military issues Major General Slavko Baric said.
He expressed satisfaction with the removal of heavy weaponry,
but warned that two big barracks in Vukovar and Beli Manastir had
not yet been handed over to UNTAES, as well as several military
Most of the hundred tanks had been transported to Serbia,
Baric said.
"I am satisfied with the fact that there are no Serb military
and paramilitary forces, thus, there are no obstacles in the way of
Croatian authority entering the area, and towns like Osijek and
Vinkovci cannot be threatened any more," Baric said.
He added that President Tudjman had suggested Baric to be
appointed as permanent member of General Klein's Transitional
Administration in Vukovar.
Along with the commander of the rebel Serb forces General
Dusan Loncar and commander of UNTAES military troops, General
Schoops, Baric would visit the occupied areas to investigate the
results of the demilitarization.
Baric said that 120 police officers are to be deployed to 11
police stations under UNTAES control from July 1, and that the
UNTAES, that is, Transitional Administrator, Jacques Klein, should
take over control of the Croatian Danubian area.
"The police will be mixed - it will consist of Croatian, Serb
and UNTAES officers, with a UNTAES police officer as main
commander, while a Croatian and a Serb will be deputies", Baric
"As weapons and the Serb army have been removed from the
separation line, I suggested to the Croatian army Chief-of-Staff,
General Cervenko, to give out an order on substituting Croatian
army troops at the separation line with the police," Baric said,
adding that he had also suggested to the UNTAES that within the
newt few days, engineers arrive in Lipovac, Nijemci, Antunovac,
Marinci, Laslovo, Korodj and Bilje in order to assess the state of
the villages, so that mine clearance could be started in the next
five days to enable the return of refugees.
(hina) lm jn
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