SARAJEVO, May 31 (Hina) - Expulsions of the non-Serb population
from the Teslic area of northern Bosnia have continued in the last
24 hours despite warnings from the international community.
The greatest wave of ethnic cleansing since the signing of the
Dayton peace agreement affected not only Moslems but also some
Croats, and one Gypsy family was also evicted, UNHCR spokesman Kris
Janowski told a press conference in Sarajevo on Friday.
All the UNHCR could do was collect information from the
refugees on the circumstances under which they had been forced to
leave their homes.
International organizations still do not know the exact number
of refugees. The exiled mayor of Teslic, Adil Osmanovic, told
reporters last week that 500 Moslems had been expelled.
Janowski accused Bosnian Serb "premier" Gojko Klickovic of
duplicity. During a meeting with UNHCR officials on Wednesday,
Klickovic had pledged support for unobstructed movement of UNHCR
buses that should have run between the two entities of Bosnia-
Herzegovina. But after the meeting, he told the Serb media that he
opposed the proposal.
Serb police on Thursday prevented the passage of a UNHCR bus
from Serb-held Banja Luka to Zenica in the Moslem-Croat Federation,
which was the first time that a UNHCR vehicle had been denied
passage since the US-sponsored peace agreement was signed last
It is evident that the Bosnian Serb authorities at Pale oppose
establishment of any kind of links between the entities, Janowski
The UNHCR would demand that the NATO-led peace Implementation
Force (IFOR) remove the illegal Serb checkpoint outside Mrkonjic
Grad where the UNHCR bus was turned back.
Bus services between Sarajevo and Lukavica and between Mostar
and Nevesinje have also been suspended.
(hina) vm jn
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