SARAJEVO, March 4 (Hina) - Bosnian Serbs have recently resumed
expulsions of Croats and Moslems from their homes in the Banja
Luka area of northern Bosnia in violation of the US-sponsored
Dayton peace agreement, UN spokesman Alexander Ivanko told a
press conference in Sarajevo on Monday.
International police forces deployed there registered 160
expulsion cases, Ivanko said, adding that the UN estimated that
between 5,000 and 10,000 Bosnian Croats and Moslems remained in
the area.
International police asked local Serb authorities to
immediately put a stop to violence and expulsions but they
continued despite verbal assurances from Serb officials, Ivanko
The UN believed that this latest wave of ethnic cleansing
had been triggered by the arrival of Serbs who had left Sarajevo
Kris Janowski, spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for
Refugees (UMHCR) in Sarajevo, said that Serbs who wished to stay
in their homes in the Grbavica suburb were living in fear of
gangs of robbers breaking into houses at night and taking all the
valuables away.
Those people were forced to barricade their houses and
apartments because the local Serb police were doing nothing to
prevent such raids, he added.
According to UNHCR estimates, about 3,000 Serbs remained in
Grbavica and about 10,000 in Ilidza, another Serb-held suburb
that reverted to Moslem-Croat Federation control under the peace
accord. Most of them had announced that they were leaving.
Water supply to the Vogosca suburb had to be suspended for
fear of flooding after the Serbs left their houses and apartments
stripped of all installations.
Janowski said that this problem could substantially slow
down the process of return of Croats and Moslems to their homes.
This week Federation authorities planned to return 3,500
refugees to Vogosca who had found shelter in government-
controlled Sarajevo during the war. After that conditions would
be created for the return of about 3,000 refugees from Vogosca
currently in central Bosnia.
About 400 refugees have so far returned to the Ilijas area
which had a prewar population of 25,000.
(hina) vm
041430 MET mar 96
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