SARAJEVO, March 19 (Hina) - Only one bill from the package of
Bildt's bills has been agreed upon at Wednesday's session of
Bosnia-Herzegovina's Council of Ministers.
The package is a group of draft bills on functioning Bosnia's
bodies of authority, which the international High Representative
Carl Bildt proposed to the Ministerial Council on January 16 for
consideration. The aim of the package that comprises a dozen bills
on a Central Bank, tariffs, external debt, citizenship and similar
kinds of issues, was to improve the economic situation in Bosnia-
After today's session in Sarajevo, reporters were told that
other bills would be considered at following meetings.
A co-chairman of the Council of Ministers, Haris Silajdzic,
said that only the external debt bill had been definitely adjusted,
whereas the foreign trade bill's article on regulating foreign
trade of the state of Bosnia-Herzegovina rather than entities
remained disputable.
The Ministerial Council requested Bildt's office to offer a
solution of the contentious issue, a deputy to Bildt, Michael
Steiner, said today.
The German diplomat added that the office would do it in
accordance with the Constitution of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
On Wednesday also, the Council of Ministers tried to agree on
the tariffs bill but failed.
(hina) jn mš
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