MOSTAR, March 18 (Hina) - A new commander of the International
Police Task Force (IPTF) for the Mostar area is William McAuliffe.
The IPTF acting commander for Mostar, Berthold Hubegger, said
at a news conference on Tuesday that IPTF senior officials in
Sarajevo had decided that American McAuliffe would be a new
Introducing himself, McAuliffe said he was coming to Mostar
from the post of the IPTF commander for the Zenica area. Since May
1996, he has been serving in the Bosnian towns of Tuzla, Zenica and
Vares. Before his service in Bosnia, McAuliffe worked as a police
officer in the United States for 22 years.
(hina) mm mš
181343 MET mar 97
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