( Editorial: --> 5631 )
SPLIT, Oct 4 (Hina) - Pope John Paul II on Sunday met and lunched
with Croatian bishops at the Bishops' Palace in Split.
The meeting was attended by 16 active and six retired bishops of the
Croatian Bishops' Conference (HBK), headed by the HBK president
Zagreb Archbishop Josip Bozanic, and cardinals and bishops from the
Pope's entourage.
The Pontiff presented his hosts with a message prepared for the
Starting his address with "Dear Brothers and Sisters", the Pope
expressed happiness to be able to meet Croatian bishops "after
yesterday's beatification, at Marija Bistrica, of the watchful and
courageous Pastor of this land, Alojzije Stepinac".
The Pope expressed his gratitude to the bishops for "the brave
witness offered so steadfastly to the universal Church and to the
world, especially during the tragedy which recently struck this
The Holy Father asked his hosts to convey his heartfelt greeting to
priests and deacons, stressing his appreciation of their
evangelical witness offered daily in serving God and their
brothers. He urged them to follow their role models such as the
Blessed Alojzije Stepinac, who "have offered their lives for
Christ's flock and have worked to build the unity of the Church".
He further called for the unity of bishops and priests.
"The Church in Croatia needs to strengthen communion between all
its different parts, in order to attain the goals which beckon in
the present climate of freedom and democracy."
He urged "initiatives designed to promote genuine collaboration
among the various sectors of the Church" and "openness to communion
and obedience to the Pastors". Especially urged was communion "with
the other members of the College of Bishops, in particular with
those in Bosnia and Herzegovina".
The Pope emphasised the need for mobilising all the Church's active
forces, including lay faithful, in proclaiming the Gospel of
Recalling the tragedy which Croatia suffered in recent decades
under materialistic atheism, the Pope went on to say: "Today, in the
new democratic climate, it is necessary to give strong support to
the new evangelisation, so that the human person, the family and
society as a whole will not be harmed and fall into the trap of
consumerism and hedonism".
That is why the Church in Croatia has to rediscover her own
religious and cultural roots "in order serenely and confidently to
cross the threshold of the new Millennium which is now so near".
The Holy Father called for ecumenical dialogue with the other
Churches and Christian communities, "with a view to eliminating
needless misunderstandings".
Your nation needs apostles who will go among the people bearing the
Good News, the Pope said adding the nation "also needs lay faithful
who are committed to spreading the Gospel in the fields of culture
and politics".
Continuing his address, the Pope entrusted Croatian bishops with
the task of pastoral care of the family and the Christian education
of young people.
"Faced with the spread of the 'culture of death', which appears
above all in the practice of abortion and the growing acceptance of
euthanasia, there is a need to advance a new 'culture of life'," the
Pope concluded.
(hina) jn rml /mbr
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