( Editorial: --> 5518 )
SPLIT, Oct 4 (Hina) - As the police would not allow accredited
journalists to enter Znjan at the western entrance - allocated
specifically for journalists - some one hundred local and foreign
journalists and photographers arrived late to the celebration
today at Znjan.
Angered that they could not have proper access to conduct their task
of covering the ceremonies, the journalists removed the barricades
put up and entered the area of today's celebration.
A spokesman for the Split press centre, Kresimir Kopcic (an
employee of the Croatian foreign affaris ministry, led the
journalists who had gathered at about 10.15 am and took them from
the press centre towards Znjan so that they could be ready to cover
the Pope's arrival.
When they arrived at Znjan however, without any explanation the
police prohibited the group of journalists from entering at the
gate intended for journalists despite clearly displayed
identification cards.
Amongst the group of one hundred journalists were a number of
reporters from Reuters and other renown foreign and local
television and media houses.
Even after trying to explain their position the journalists were
not allowed entry.
When the journalists saw that the Pope had arrived at Znjan and the
Popemobile was making its way to the altar site, the journalists
knocked down the barricades and entered Znjan.
A few scuffles erupted as the journalists made their way to the
place of the ceremony.
(Hina) sp
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