( Editorial: --> 5496 )
SPLIT, Oct 4 (Hina) - Pope John Paul II at 10.30am arrived at Znjan,
a district in the southern Croatian port of Split, where in front of
some 500,000 faithful he will celebrate Eucharist on the occasion
of Split's 1700th anniversary.
Upon arriving, the Holy Father rode in the Popemobile among the
faithful, who greeted him waving papal and Croatian flags.
On his way from the Split airport at Resnik to Znjan, the Pope was
accompanied by personal secretary Stanislaw Dziwisz and Split-
Makarska Archbishop Ante Juric.
Passing through Luksic, Kambelovac, Stafilic, Novi, Stari,
Gomilica and Sucurac - the seven Kastele towns along the coast, on
the way to Znjan, the Pope was greeted by numerous local residents.
Thousands also greeted him in Solin, where in the afternoon he will
meet the young and catechists.
Along the half a million faithful, numerous city, county and state
officials are present at Znjan.
Some faithful will follow the Mass from about a hundred boats
anchored in the Znjan bay.
(hina) ha
041106 MET oct 98
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