( Editorial: --> 3207 )
SARAJEVO, Sept 25 (Hina) - The final election results of the Bosnian
general elections, held two weeks ago, confirmed that Alija
Izetbegovic, Zivko Radisic and Ante Jelavic will be the new members
of the Bosnian Presidency for the next four-year term.
Member of the Provisional Election Commission Mirko Boskovic told
Hina today that Zivko Radisic won 360,000 votes while his main rival
Momcilo Krajisnik gained 315,000.
The race for the Croat member to the Bosnian presidency saw Ante
Jelavic with 189,000 votes, while his runner up was Gradimir Gojer
with a little more than 113,000 votes. Kresimir Zubak won about
40,000 votes.
Alija Izetbegovic convincingly gained first place for the Muslim
representative with 511,000 votes while Fikret Abdic won just above
Serb Radical Party leader Nikola Poplasen was elected president of
the Bosnian Serb entity.
Poplasen won 324,000 votes while the incumbent president Biljana
Plavsic gained the confidence of 286, 914 voters.
(Hina) sp/rml
252050 MET sep 98
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