( Editorial: --> 9955 )
ROME, Sept 12 (Hina) - The Archbishop of Zagreb and head of the
Croatian Bishops' Conference Josip Bozanic on Saturday ended his
several-day visit to the Vatican.
Bozanic's talks in Rome focused on the Pope's visit to Croatia
between October 2 and 4, and the drafting of a fourth economic
agreement between Croatia and the Holy See.
The agreement, which should adjust the economy relations between
the Church and the state in Croatia, could be signed during the
Pope's stay in Croatia, but some details still have to be worked
Bozanic discussed the relations between the Church and the state in
Italy with the Italian Bishops' Conference.
The Zagreb Archbishop also discussed the specific aspects of
returning to the Church property nationalised by former Communist
(hina) ha
121516 MET sep 98
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