( Editorial: --> 3859 )
MARIJA BISTRICA, 15 Aug (Hina) - Assumption Day was celebrated in
the shrine of Marija Bistrica near Zagreb on Saturday.
The Holy Communion was conducted by Zagreb Archbishop Msgr. Josip
Bozanic and the head of the shrine of Marija Bistrica, Msgr. Lovro
The Zagreb Archbishop called on all believers to "live more
intensely their faith" and to prepare spiritually for the visit of
Pope John Paul II to Croatia.
Bozanic recalled words from the Shepherd's Message sent by the
Croatian bishops to the faithful on spiritual preparations for the
Pope's second visit to Croatia.
By visiting Zagreb, Marija Bistrica and Split, in honour of two
martyrs - Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac and Dujim Solinski - the Pope
connects and beatifies to whole Christian history in our country
marked by martyrdom, Bozanic said.
The authorities are permanently responsible to their voters and the
public because responsibility prevents any self-willed abuse of
authority and improves satisfaction and readiness of all citizens
for general well-being, Bozanic said.
(hina) rml
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