( Editorial: --> 5197 )
PRISTINA, Aug 21 (Hina) - The Kosovo Information Centre reported on
Friday night that Serbian forces were continuing to set fire to
Albanian homes in three villages in the Malisevo municipality,
where a large number of refugees are located out in the open without
food and shelter.
The centre quoted Democratic Alliance of Kosovo (DAK) sources
reporting that Serbian forces were also setting fire to the village
of Cerovik in the Klina municipality for the third day running.
Albanian sources in Pristina said Serbian forces near Vucitrn had
arrested two DAK leaders from the Leposavica municipality, while
they were returning from Pristina.
The arrested, Osman Rama and Haki Ymeri, are also members of the
Kosovo parliament.
The pro-Serbian government Media Centre in Pristina said that
overnight in the village of Lapusnik in the Glogovac municipality,
a Serbian policeman had been killed in clashes with armed
(Hina) mbr
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