( Editorial: --> 4305 )
PRISTINA, Aug 18 (Hina) - Serbian forces continue their attacks in
the Yugoslav province of Kosovo, Albanian sources in Pristina
reported on Tuesday.
Smoke is still visible from the villages of Loxha and Grabovac, as
Serbian troops continue to set fire to homes that had not been
destroyed during the past two days of shelling.
Fierce conflicts between the Kosovo Liberation Army and Serbian
troops were reported in Lausha and Aracevo near Srbica on Monday
Several Albanians who were killed in Drenica in the recent wave of
attacks have still not been buried because of police obstructions
on several locations in this part of Kosovo.
A Pristina-based daily in Albanian, "Koha Ditore", ran an
photograph illustrated article on Tuesday headlined "Even Vukovar
did not Look Like This", portraying completely destroyed villages,
headquarters of the Kosovo Liberation Army, village clinics and a
The biggest problem in Kosovo remains the difficult situation the
tens of thousands Albanian refugees are in. They remain roof-less,
food-less and deprived of medicinal care.
The help provided by international organisations is insufficient,
and unless something is done soon, people will begin to die of
starvation and disease.
(hina) lml
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