( Editorial: --> 2147 )
VUKOVAR, Aug 6 (Hina) - The international community supports the
Croatian government's plan for the return of refugees and displaced
persons but also believes the plan needs additional work to be more
precise, representatives of the Organisation for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) told reporters in Vukovar on
The return plan is an outstanding step the Croatian government has
made towards meeting its international obligations and its
implementation is now the centre of attention and interest in the
international community, said OSCE spokesman Mark Thompson.
He assessed the security situation in eastern Croatia continued to
be stable and satisfactory, adding police were effective in
fighting crime.
Police reaction in the treatment of exiled persons however is not
always as efficacious, Thompson said. People can see and feel this
difference which, he added, breeds insecurity and makes these
people turn to the OSCE.
Speaking about Serbs leaving eastern Croatia, the OSCE spokesman
said that was not an international community failure.
If it is anybody's failure then it is a failure of government
policy, Thompson said.
Speaking about tenancy rights, the head of the Vukovar-based OSCE
Coordination Centre Pierr Peeters said the international community
considered tenancy rights as one of the ownership rights referring
to property.
These rights are protected by the first European Commission
protocol on human rights, of which Croatia is a signatory, he said.
The war may be looked at as a higher power, Peeters said, adding that
persons who lost tenancy rights as a consequence of war must get
these rights back.
Peeters however believed that persons who were forced to abandon
their flats should not be denied tenancy rights, whereas those who
left them voluntarily did not have to be given these rights back.
Peeters also spoke about OSCE's take-over of the monitoring mission
in eastern Croatia from the UN Civil Police Support Group. The take-
over is progressing intensively and will go unnoticed until October
The OSCE has never been involved in these and similar tasks so far
and this will therefore be a watershed in its mission in Croatia and
in the organisation itself, Peeters concluded.
(hina) ha
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