( Editorial: --> 0935 )
SARAJEVO, Feb 10 (Hina) - The French Ambassador to Bosnia-
Herzegovina received a letter on Tuesday protesting over the way
the Bosnian Serb President Biljana Plavsic had been welcomed in
Paris on Monday.
Plavsic was greeted in front of the Champs Elysees and French
President Jacques Chirac kissed her hand.
"With the greeting ceremony for the President of Republika Srpska,
France deeply insulted Bosnia-Herzegovina and all its
"Contrary to common rules and diplomatic practice, the invitation
procedure completely passed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the President of Republika Srpska was
greeted as the head of state," the letter from the office of the
chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Alija
Izetbegovic, said.
The unusually harsh letter said that for Bosnia-Herzegovina, "this
is not the first disappointment".
"Our citizens remember the sad role of French General Janvier who
contributed to the misfortune of Srebrenica (a protected enclave in
eastern Bosnia from which 5,000 civilians and soldiers
disappeared) by denying help to UNPROFOR troops in July 1995...
"It is also no coincidence that it is the French soldiers that are
refusing to cooperate with the International war crimes tribunal,"
the letter said.
(hina)lm mm
102103 MET feb 98
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