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ZAGREB, Oct 13 (Hina) - The session of the Social Democrats' (SDP) presidency, scheduled for Monday, is postponed due to the fact that a large number of the presidency's members will not be able to attend it, an SDP leader, Zdravko Tomac, told Hina on Sunday.
ZAGREB, Oct 13 (Hina) - The session of the Social Democrats' (SDP) presidency, scheduled for Monday, is postponed due to the fact that a large number of the presidency's members will not be able to attend it, an SDP leader, Zdravko Tomac, told Hina on Sunday. #L# It was previously announced that the SDP leadership would discuss the further process of the privatisation, but on Sunday nobody from this party could confirm the information that this topic was on the agenda of Monday's session. The Croatian Peasant Party (HSS) President, Zlatko Tomcic, on Saturday said his party was dissatisfied with the current developments in the privatisation and that HSS leadership insisted on an open discussion with its coalition partner, SDP, on the issue. After Saturday's session of the HSS presidency, Tomcic announced the meeting of the leaderships of his party and the SDP for Monday to clear the differences in their opinions on the privatisation. (hina) ms


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