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HR-POLITICS-Politika BRIEF NEWS BULLETIN IN ENGLISH NO. 5162 HINA Zagreb, 9 December 2003 PRESIDENT MESIC APPOINTS SANADER PREMIER-DESIGNATEZAGREB, Dec 9 (Hina) - Croatian President Stjepan Mesic on Tuesday appointed Croatian
Democratic Union (HDZ) leader Ivo Sanader premier-designate. Mesic told reporters that as premier-designate, Sanader enjoyed the support of the parliamentary majority and would be able to nominate the new government. Congratulating the HDZ leader, the President voiced confidence the new government would continue to realise Croatia's strategic goals, including efforts to join the European Union. Sanader thanked Mesic on the mandate he had been entrusted with, Croatia's constituents, coalition partners, and all in parliament who will endorse the HDZ-led government. Sanader said he and Mesic had agreed the new parliament would hold its first session on December 22. "We are entering a new era, and the priority of us all and our government will be economic growth and t