DUBROVNIK DUBROVNIK, Sept 8 (Hina) - The Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe's fourth summer school began at the International Centre of Croatian Universities in Dubrovnik on Monday.
DUBROVNIK, Sept 8 (Hina) - The Stability Pact for South Eastern
Europe's fourth summer school began at the International Centre of
Croatian Universities in Dubrovnik on Monday. #L#
The four-day school has been organised by the Croatian Foreign
Ministry's Diplomatic Academy and the Centre for European
Integration Studies from Bonn.
The school will acquaint participants with mechanisms for the
evaluation of work required to join the European Union and for
cooperation among the region's countries, said Academy manager
Petar Turcninovic, who also leads the school.
Attending are 25 staff from Croatia's foreign and European
integration ministries and participants from Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro,
Slovenia, and Germany.
(hina) ha