ZAGREB, Aug 19 (Hina) - One of Europe's biggest development financing institutions -- DEG (Deutsche Investitions und Entwicklungsgesellschaft) has become a new stockholder in Digital City Media (DCM), a national cable TV concession
holder in Croatia, after investing US$2 million, DCM said on Tuesday.
ZAGREB, Aug 19 (Hina) - One of Europe's biggest development
financing institutions -- DEG (Deutsche Investitions und
Entwicklungsgesellschaft) has become a new stockholder in Digital
City Media (DCM), a national cable TV concession holder in Croatia,
after investing US$2 million, DCM said on Tuesday. #L#
DCM offers cable television services in Zagreb, Split, Osijek, and
Solin and is the biggest single such server in Croatia as well as the
holder of a national concession.
DEG's investment portfolio exceeds EUR2.3 billion. This
institution has been active in Croatia since 1995 and with the
current EUR50 million portfolio is one of the biggest German
investors in Croatia.
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