ZAGREB, July 30 (Hina) - By publishing photos of Saddam Hussein's killed sons, the Americans in an coarse manner (mis)used the media, and it is true that those working in the media, including the Croatian media, allowed to be
(mis)used, according to the editorial in the latest issue of the leading Croatian Catholic weekly called Glas Koncila.
ZAGREB, July 30 (Hina) - By publishing photos of Saddam Hussein's
killed sons, the Americans in an coarse manner (mis)used the media,
and it is true that those working in the media, including the
Croatian media, allowed to be (mis)used, according to the editorial
in the latest issue of the leading Croatian Catholic weekly called
Glas Koncila. #L#
The editorial entitled 'The Media and Human Dignity' says that the
act of publishing photos of corpses of Uday and Qusay was the
American grave violation of ethics for treatment of the deceased.
A semi-official newspaper of the Vatican, L'Osservatore Romano,
explicitly warned on 26 and 27 July that with such conduct the
Americans violated provisions of international law on the
treatment of the defeated side.
The editorial in Glas Koncila warns that politicians and media
workers in neighbouring Bosnia-Herzegovina had (mis)used media
when they had not reported about some activities of Bosnian
(hina) ms sb