Zagreb Archbishop speaks of importance of work-free SundaysZAGREB, Dec 12 (Hina) - Asked by the press about the importance ofSunday as a work-free day, Zagreb Archbishop Cardinal Josip Bozanicsaid after saying mass on Caritas Sunday
that "Sunday is too importantin many areas".
ZAGREB, Dec 12 (Hina) - Asked by the press about the importance of
Sunday as a work-free day, Zagreb Archbishop Cardinal Josip Bozanic said after
saying mass on Caritas Sunday that "Sunday is too important in many areas".Bozanic said Sunday had a deep social, cultural and humanising nature,
which was why people needed it, especially in times of transition, to be with
their family and friends.
Asked if the Church would have a proposal in connection with a new law
that would regulate work on Sundays, the cardinal urged those responsible to
look up to other Central European countries, such as Austria and Germany.