ZAGREBZAGREB, Dec 1 (Hina) - The book "Predsjednik, protiv krivotvorina izaborava" (The President - Against Falsifications and Oblivion),written by politician and professor Zdravko Tomac, was presented in apacked hall of the Croatian
Journalists' Society in Zagreb onWednesday.
ZAGREB, Dec 1 (Hina) - The book "Predsjednik, protiv krivotvorina i
zaborava" (The President - Against Falsifications and Oblivion), written by
politician and professor Zdravko Tomac, was presented in a packed hall of the
Croatian Journalists' Society in Zagreb on Wednesday. The 300-page book on the first Croatian President, Franjo Tudjman, has
been published by "Slovo M" publishing company.
It consists of two chapters, one titled "Tudjman je uspio stvoriti
suverenu Hrvatsku usprkos svima" ("Tudjman succeeded in establishing sovereign
Croatia despite everyone), and the other "Bosna i Hercegovina - Ahilova peta
Tudjmanove politike" (Bosnia and Herzegovina - the Achilles' Heel of Tudjman's