The former PM, Hari Kostov, who was at the post for five months, recently resigned saying that the reason was the obstruction of reforms in the country by the Democratic Union for Integration, a coalition partner in the government which represents ethnic Albanians. Kostov also accused the party and its leader Ali Ahmeti of nepotism and corruption and of working only to the benefit of the Albanian community, which accounts for a quarter of the country's population of 2.5 million.
SKOPJE, Nov 26 (Hina) - Macedonian Defence Minister Vlado Buckovski wasnominated new Prime Minister Designate after his party, the SocialDemocratic Alliance, which is the ruling party in the country, electedhim party president on
Thursday night.
SKOPJE, Nov 26 (Hina) - Macedonian Defence Minister Vlado Buckovski
was nominated new Prime Minister Designate after his party, the Social
Democratic Alliance, which is the ruling party in the country, elected him
party president on Thursday night.