Speaking to the press in Osijek on Saturday, Djapic said statements like the one Carla del Ponte made yesterday confirmed the HSP's position that Gotovina was not the reason why the entry talks had not started.
"The reasons are much deeper," he said, adding that certain European Union countries wanted to delay the talks with Croatia as long as possible "so as to put it in a package with Southeast Europe or even with Turkey".
Speaking of relations with Slovenia, he criticised Slovene Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel's claim that it was not impossible to expect a Slovene referendum on support for Croatia's EU entry.
He said Croatia must not accept such statements or delay any longer the settlement of the sea border issue. He added the case should be reported to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
Djapic also commented on the privatisation process, saying the privatisation model was in the deepest crisis since 1992 and that the privatisation strategy must be based on a new privatisation law.
He said the increase in grave crimes and general violence was cause for concern, and called on the government to draw up a new national security strategy and submit a report on the state of security in Croatia at the next parliament session.