This coalition has been in power in Karlovac County over the last four years and has proved successful, said the head of the HDZ Karlovac County branch, Ivan Vucic.
Karlovac countyKARLOVAC, April 12 (Hina) - The Karlovac County branches of theCroatian Democratic Union (HDZ), the Social Liberal Party (HSLS) andthe Democratic Centre (DC) announced at a joint press conference onTuesday they would
run on a joint slate in local elections scheduledfor May 15.
KARLOVAC, April 12 (Hina) - The Karlovac County branches of the
Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), the Social Liberal Party (HSLS) and the
Democratic Centre (DC) announced at a joint press conference on Tuesday they
would run on a joint slate in local elections scheduled for May 15.