The school has been disinfected, all students, teachers and other persons who were in touch with the deceased student have been given appropriate medicaments and the situation is under control, Brkic said.
SISAK, Jan 19 (Hina) - The head of the Sisak County Public HealthAgency, Inoslav Brkic, has said that there is no reason for panicregarding the possible spreading of a meningococcal disease in a highschool in Sisak, one of whose
students, a 16-year-old boy, died ofmeningococcal sepsis last Sunday.
SISAK, Jan 19 (Hina) - The head of the Sisak County Public Health
Agency, Inoslav Brkic, has said that there is no reason for panic regarding the
possible spreading of a meningococcal disease in a high school in Sisak, one
of whose students, a 16-year-old boy, died of meningococcal sepsis last