Guangya said more time was necessary to bridge the differences in the Security Council and in the region.
Asked by the press about China's position on the matter, he said China would agree with every formula agreed by Serbia and Kosovo.
The Chinese ambassador said a unilateral proclamation of Kosovo's independence would not be a desirable formula for the Security Council.
US Ambassador to the UN Zhalmay Khalilzad announced after the consultations that the United States and partners would submit a new draft resolution on Kosovo in the next few days, voicing confidence that the next 10 days was a decisive period for adopting a decision on this issue.
The US is willing to give more time for negotiations so that a solution could be reached on Kosovo's future status, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said on Monday.
He reiterated that Washington advocated independence for Kosovo and wanted to convince Russia not to oppose this at the Security Council. He added that the US was ready to accept several weeks or months for the negotiations.