Vekic said that apart from being attacked from outside, Croatia had an interior rebellion too and "many covert fifth columnists who made the whole situation even more dangerous," and that it was not possible to win a war without killing the enemy.
Vekic said Milankovic, deputy chief of police in Sisak at the time relevant to the indictment, had no command role, and that Bosnjak had no role in the hierarchy.
Milankovic is charged, as police commander in the Sisak and Banovina area and deputy chief of police in Sisak from July 1991 to 1992, with failing to prevent or punish crimes, participating in the abuse and attacks on civilians, and ordering the unlawful detention of a larger number of Serb civilians which resulted in the killing of 24.
Bosnjak is charged with intimidating Serb civilians from Sisak in August 1991 as a member of a local special police force unit, and with organising a group that arrested and tortured Serb civilians, killing eight of 24 victims.