07. studenoga 1996.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 810 Med merino 21m 628
Fine merino 20m 700 Med merino 22m 586
Broad merino 23m 511 Comeback 25m 478
Broad merino 24m 490 Comeback 26m 472n
Fine Xbred 27m 463n Med Xbred 29m 460n
Fine Xbred 28m 459n Med Xbred 30m 459n
Med Xbred 31m 453n Merino cardings 431
Xbred cardings 383n Eastern mkt ind 570
RTRS-Australian wool indicator falls 3c to 570c/kg
SYDNEY, Nov 7 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market eastern
indicator fell three cents to 570 cents a kg clean at sales in
Newcastle and Melbourne on Thursday, Wool International said.
The superfine indicator fell 16 cents to 1,200 cents
compared with Wednesday's Newcastle quotations. Merino fleece
prices were mostly cheaper, with the 19 micron indicator 1.5
percent cheaper and 20 micron 2.0 percent cheaper.
The 21m category was 0.5 percent cheaper but 22/26m were
slightly dearer. The 23/24m classes were unchanged and 25m
slightly cheaper, Wool International said.
In merino skirtings, 19 micron was 1.5 percent cheaper, 20
micron 1.0 percent cheaper and 21/22 generally unchanged. In
crossbreds, 27/28/31 microns were slightly cheaper, 29 microns
were unchanged and 30 micron slightly dearer.
In cardings, lambs were unchanged and locks and crutchings
generally unchanged, Wool International said. Wool International
said Italian and Taiwanese and Japanese interests were principal
buyers with good support from China.
Of 21,018 bales offered, 8.1 percent was passed in. Sales
continue next week in Sydney, Adelaide and Fremantle with about
115,561 bales on offer.
Bradford - cijene vune - 07. studenoga 1996.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 497 58s SUPER 366
66s SUPER 443 58s BLENDED 345
64s SUPER 396 56s SUPER 352
64s BLENDED 392 54s CARDED 336
60s SUPER 372 50s CARDED 325
60s BLENDED 358 58s ENGLISH 280
56s ENGLISH 279
50s ENGLISH 265
Strong pound brings gloom to Bradford wool market
BRADFORD, Nov 7 (Reuter) - Sterling's strength has proved a
wet blanket for the Bradford wool market, sending prices down by
up to 10 pence per kg, trade sources said.
"Topmakers and their customers are finding they are less
competitive and competitive pricing has been essential in the
attempt to reach profitability," one said.
Only English tops have held steady, benefitting from a
strong domestic market.
But even here, the prospect of further interest rate rises
on the urging of the Bank of England has created uncertainty.
Last week's improvements in UK raw wool prices failed to
bring cheer.
Some sources said two or three individual buyers were behind
the increases and predicted that the upturn will not carryover
into the next auction.
The modest easing of raw wool prices in the major world
markets contributed to the drop in tops values, exaggerating
sterling's effect on the price of UK exports.
081057 MET nov 96
SKV: Svijet u 21 sat
SKV: Sport u 21 sat
SKV: Hrvatska u 21 sat
Pobjeda Rome, Soule ušao u povijest
Šara upozorava na pokušaje uvlačenja zemlje u građanski rat
EP atletika - Novo zlato za Ingebrigtsena, Mahučik uvjerljiva
Rumunjska: Središnje izborno tijelo zabranilo kandidaturu krajnje desnom Georgescuu
Remi u Hoffenheimu
Remi Manchester Uniteda i Arsenala
Okupili se rukometaši uoči Češke