05. studenoga 1996.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 828 Med merino 21m 633n
Fine merino 20m 712 Med merino 22m 586n
Broad merino 23m 515n Comeback 25m 476n
Broad merino 24m 494n Comeback 26m 466n
Fine Xbred 27m 466n Med Xbred 29m 455n
Fine Xbred 28m 462n Med Xbred 30m 455n
Med Xbred 31m 452n Merino cardings 421n
Xbred cardings 383n Eastern mkt ind 573
RTRS-Australian wool indicator falls 1c to 573c/kg
SYDNEY, Nov 5 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market eastern
indicator fell by 1.0 cent to 573 cents a kg clean at sales
Newcastle on Tuesday, Wool International (WI) said.
Merino fleece prices were mostly dearer, with the 19 micron
indicator 2.0 percent dearer but 20/25/26m 1.0 percent cheaper.
The 21m category was unchanged, 22m slightly dearer, 23m 0.5
percent dearer and 24m 1.0 percent dearer, WI said.
In merino skirtings, 19m was 1.0 percent dearer, 20m
slightly cheaper and 21/22m generally unchanged.
In crossbreds, 27m was unchanged.
The 28m indicator was slightly dearer, 29m 2.0 percent
cheaper, 30m 1.5 percent cheaper and 31m 0.5 percent cheaper.
In cardings, locks and crutchings were 1.0 percent cheaper.
WI said Italian mills dominated with good support from most
of the trade.
Of 9,017 bales offered, 9.6 percent were passed in.
Sales continue on Wednesday in Newcastle, Melbourne and
Fremantle with about 34,500 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 04. studenoga 1996.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 507 58s SUPER 368
66s SUPER 453 58s BLENDED 347
64s SUPER 403 56s SUPER 353
64s BLENDED 399 54s CARDED 337
60s SUPER 378 50s CARDED 326
60s BLENDED 360 58s ENGLISH 280
56s ENGLISH 270
50s ENGLISH 265
Bradford wool market sees lower prices, thin trade
BRADFORD, Nov 4 (Reuter) - Local tops prices were steady to
fractionally easier in quiet trade reflecting the continuing
strength of sterling, Bradford wool sources said on Monday.
Traders in the export market said the reduced cost of raw
wool imports has not been enough to offset the bolstering effect
of a strong pound on export quotations.
This has contributed to a general pessimism about the
short-term outlook for the tops market.
Several sources said UK prices were expected to do no more
than hold their own.
"And with difficulty," one added.
There were few reports of new business and some producers
report that pressure for prompt deliveries is abating.
061113 MET nov 96
SKV: Svijet u 21 sat
SKV: Sport u 21 sat
SKV: Hrvatska u 21 sat
Pobjeda Rome, Soule ušao u povijest
Šara upozorava na pokušaje uvlačenja zemlje u građanski rat
EP atletika - Novo zlato za Ingebrigtsena, Mahučik uvjerljiva
Rumunjska: Središnje izborno tijelo zabranilo kandidaturu krajnje desnom Georgescuu
Remi u Hoffenheimu
Remi Manchester Uniteda i Arsenala
Okupili se rukometaši uoči Češke