12. rujna 1996.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 930 Med merino 21m 656
Fine merino 20m 801 Med merino 22m 572
Broad merino 23m 504 Comeback 25m 460
Broad merino 24m 477 Comeback 26m 457n
Fine Xbred 27m 459n Med Xbred 29m 457n
Fine Xbred 28m 459n Med Xbred 30m 457n
Med Xbred 31m 456n Merino cardings 432
Xbred cardings 383n Eastern mkt ind 589
RTRS-Australian wool indicator falls 4c to 589c/kg
SYDNEY, Sept 12 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market
continued to decline at auctions in Sydney and Melbourne on
Thursday and the eastern market indicator fell 4.0 cents to 589
cents a kg clean, Wool International (WI) said.
In merinos, the 19 micron indicator was slightly dearer but
20/25/26m were up to 1.0 percent cheaper, 21m was 1.5 percent
cheaper and 22/23/24m slightly cheaper, WI said.
In merino skirtings, 19/20m was up to 1.0 percent cheaper,
21m slightly dearer and 22m generally unchanged.
In crossbreds, 27/30/31m were slightly cheaper, 28m slightly
dearer and 29m up to 0.5 percent cheaper.
Cardings were up to 1.0 percent cheaper, WI said.
General competition had strong support from Taiwan and
Japanese interests, WI said.
Of the 26,266 bales offered in Sydney and Melbourne, 14.2
percent were passed in.
Sales continue next week in Sydney, Adelaide and Fremantle
with about 108,000 bales on offer.
Bradford - cijene vune - 12. rujna 1996.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 528 58s SUPER 389
66s SUPER 463 58s BLENDED 361
64s SUPER 422 56s SUPER 368
64s BLENDED 418 54s CARDED 355
60s SUPER 393 50s CARDED 335
60s BLENDED 369 58s ENGLISH 281
56s ENGLISH 271
50s ENGLISH 267
Bradford wool market - finest tops see prices drop
BRADFORD, Sept 12 (Reuter) - Prices for finer tops mirrored
primary market movements in New Zealand and Australia, falling
two to five pence per kg, brokers reported on Thursday.
Prices for 50s-58s held firm, with 56s English up one pence.
With demand from high street retailers remaining steady at
low levels and new business scarce, sellers have been accepting
early offers rather than risk losing the business by holding out
for more, they said.
The majority of buyers are still seeking small volumes and
there was little interest in forward contracts, they added.
"The mood locally is not gloomy," one market source said.
Most firms were optimistic that replacement business would
continue to filter through, enabling tops production to remain
131120 MET sep 96
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