05. rujna 1996.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 923n Med merino 21m 690
Fine merino 20m 825 Med merino 22m 595
Broad merino 23m 526 Comeback 25m 472n
Broad merino 24m 491n Comeback 26m 466n
Fine Xbred 27m 470n Med Xbred 29m 462n
Fine Xbred 28m 466n Med Xbred 30m 457n
Med Xbred 31m 456n Merino cardings 433
Xbred cardings 381n Eastern mkt ind 607
RTRS-Australian wool outlook seen weak-Wesfarmers
SYDNEY, Sept 9 (Reuter) - Australian wool prices are
expected to ease this week when 101,023 bales will be offered in
Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle, Wesfarmers Dalgety Ltd said.
Wesfarmers Dalgety said the offering was the first of a
series of larger quantities available for the 1996/97 season.
Combined with the large offering, Chinese demand is very
erratic with most orders short term and hand-to-mouth which have
now been met by commitment to ship mid-September, it said.
"Furthermore, China is believed to have been an active buyer
of Wool International stocks in recent weeks and may have
satisfied much of its current demand," it said.
"Therefore the outlook indicates further weakness,"
Wesfarmers Dalgety said in its weekly market review.
"However, it is hoped that European buyers will increase
activity with mills now beginning to reactivate for 1996/97,
creating support for prices not too far below current levels,"
the report said.
Last week, the eastern market indicator fell eight cents to
607 cents a kg clean while the western indicator closed at 542
cents a kg clean, down 14 cents on the previous Fremantle close.
Bradford - cijene vune - 09. rujna 1996.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 530 58s SUPER 389
66s SUPER 468 58s BLENDED 364
64s SUPER 426 56s SUPER 368
64s BLENDED 423 54s CARDED 355
60s SUPER 393 50s CARDED 335
60s BLENDED 372 58s ENGLISH 279
56s ENGLISH 270
50s ENGLISH 267
Whisker of an upturn seen for Bradford wool market
BRADFORD, Sept 9 (Reuter) - The Bradford wool market saw the
slight beginnings on Monday of what some trade sources predicted
will be a near-term improvement in demand.
A limited increase in top sales was led by Merinos although
the market for crossbreds remained "in the doldrums", one broker
Prices for both types were generally unchanged in very
competitive trading conditions, brokers said.
Renewed buying from China offered the only realistic hope
for an improvement in the crossbred sector, they added.
Some said this would occur by the end of October.
As the summer holiday period finally drew to a close,
textile manufacturers reported an upturn in exports to Italy
which brokers said could be expected to lead to replacement
orders over the next few months.
However, Monday saw very few forward contracts as
manufacturers remain reluctant to build up stocks, they added.
101210 MET sep 96
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