29. kolovoza 1996.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 947 Med merino 21m 697
Fine merino 20m 834 Med merino 22m 608
Broad merino 23m 529 Comeback 25m 479
Broad merino 24m 493 Comeback 26m 472n
Fine Xbred 27m 468n Med Xbred 29m 465n
Fine Xbred 28m 466n Med Xbred 30m 462n
Med Xbred 31m 461n Merino cardings 431
Xbred cardings 381n Eastern mkt ind 615
RTRS-Australian wool indicator rises 1c to 615c/kg
SYDNEY, Aug 29 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market eastern
indicator rose 1.0 cent to 615 cents a kg clean at auctions in
Sydney and Melbourne on Thursday in the first movement this
week, Wool International (WI) said.
In merino fleece, the 19/20 micron indicators were 2.0
percent dearer. However, 21m was 1.0 percent cheaper, 22m
slightly cheaper, 23/25m up to 1.0 percent cheaper and 24m 1.5
percent cheaper, WI said.
In merino skirtings, 18.5m and finer were 3.0 percent dearer
while 19/20m were slightly dearer and others generally
unchanged, it said.
In crossbreds, 26/28/29/30/31m were 1.0 percent cheaper and
27m 0.5 percent cheaper.
In cardings, merino lambs were 2.0 percent dearer on a small
offering. Locks were up to 1.0 percent dearer and crutchings
generally unchanged.
Japanese interests provided principal competition with
support from Taiwan and Western Europe, WI said.
Of the 22,120 bales offered, 9.9 percent were passed in.
Sales continue next week in Sydney and Fremantle with about
69,400 bales on offer.
Bradford - cijene vune - 02. rujna 1996.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 535 58s SUPER 389
66s SUPER 471 58s BLENDED 364
64s SUPER 428 56s SUPER 368
64s BLENDED 423 54s CARDED 355
60s SUPER 395 50s CARDED 335
60s BLENDED 372 58s ENGLISH 279
50s ENGLISH 267
Bradford wool market sees more enquiry
BRADFORD, Sept 2 (Reuter) - More enquiry was noted at
Bradford on Monday as the wool market began to return to normal
post-holiday trading, traders said.
The most obvious change was seen from an improved call for
deliveries from Continental customers now back at work, they
However, some UK traders said that UK buying had tailed off
and that deliveries were not going out as well as recently.
031202 MET sep 96
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