U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 04. rujna 1996.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 2,306 ( 1,170 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
76,76 centi (78,11 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 04. rujna 1996.
OCT6 74.95 76.80 77.00 74.50 74.80 74.91
DEC6 75.65 77.35 77.75 75.47 75.60 75.62
MAR7 76.85 78.50 78.80 76.75 76.80 76.83
MAY7 77.50 79.40 77.50 77.50 77.55
JUL7 78.40 79.75 80.00 78.40 78.15 78.15
OCT7 78.20 77.00 77.20
DEC7 76.20 77.10 77.40 76.10 76.20 76.20
MAR8 78.00 76.95 77.05
MAY8 77.70 78.60 77.70 77.70 77.70 77.85
JUL8 78.90 77.80 77.90
NYCE cotton ends lower on pre-storm profit taking
NEW YORK, Sept 4 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures retrenched
on light profit taking as a key market prop -- fear about
hurricane damage to crops -- was considered overstated,
traders said.
Floor sources said there was heavy speculative and
options-related selling along with some profit taking.
"It was buy the rumor and sell the fact -- all our support
was based on damage that's not really going to happen," a
floor source said. "I expect that we are still going to be in
somewhat of an uptrend. The technicals are looking strong."
December cotton closed down 1.63 cents at 75.62 cents a
National Hurricane Center said Hurricane Fran was heading
toward the Carolinas, due to arrive Thursday.
A dealer said only three percent of the U.S. cotton crop
was grown in South and North Carolina, noting that USDA said
earlier this week only 20 percent of the Carolinas' cotton
crop had opened and was thus vulnerable to moisture.
But some trader sources said more than four inches of rain
would cause damage to crops, and Fran was expected to dump at
least four to six inches of water on land.
051108 MET sep 96
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