U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 29. kolovoza 1996.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 1,328 ( 4,030 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
78,05 centi (77,33 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 29. kolovoza 1996.
OCT6 76.20 75.30 76.40 75.20 76.20 76.32
DEC6 77.00 76.20 77.34 76.15 77.00 77.06
MAR7 78.25 77.25 78.40 77.25 78.25 78.33
MAY7 78.95 77.70 79.00 77.70 78.95 79.00
JUL7 79.40 78.45 79.60 78.45 79.40 79.40
OCT7 78.00 77.00 78.15 77.80 78.10 78.20
DEC7 77.20 76.35 77.20 76.55 77.10 77.15
MAR8 77.00 77.95 78.03
MAY8 77.75 78.50 78.60
JUL8 78.25 78.80 78.90
NYCE cotton ends higher on technical gains
NEW YORK, Aug 29 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures ended
higher but the gains were due to bullish technical signals
rather than any major fundamental issues such as storms off
the U.S. coast, market sources said.
Jarral Neeper of Calcot said much of the day's gains were
technical in nature as funds tried to establish a foothold on
the long side.
USDA export sales figures released Thursday were pretty
neutral, Neeper said. "Prices need to be a little higher to
get cotton out of growers hands. There is just not a lot of
cotton to ship right now," he added.
USDA said U.S. sales of upland cotton for export totaled
29,000 bales in week ending August 22, down 34 percent from
the four week average. USDA forecast fiscal year 1997 cotton
exports of 1.5 million tonnes, compared to 1.7 million tonnes
in the present fiscal year which ends September 30.
December cotton went out 0.95 cent higher at 77.06 cents
per pound, traded 77.34 to 76.15 cents. Spot October was up
1.01 cents at 76.32 cents.
Weather Services Corp said Hurricane Edouard would
probably stay offshore, with Hurricane Fran likely to take a
similar course. Tropical Storm Gustav was no threat yet.
301151 MET aug 96
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