22. siječnja 1998.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 922n Med merino 21m 713n
Fine merino 20m 821 Med merino 22m 684
Broad merino 23m 597 Comeback 25m 580n
Broad merino 24m 587n Comeback 26m 559n
Fine Xbred 27m 539n Med Xbred 29m 494n
Fine Xbred 28m 504n Med Xbred 30m 491n
Med Xbred 31m 473n Merino cardings 441
Xbred cardings 386n Eastern mkt ind 655
Australian wool indicator falls 6 cents to 655c/kg
MELBOURNE, Jan 22 (Reuters) - The Australian wool market
eastern indicator fell six cents to 655 cents a kg clean on
Thursday at sales in Melbourne, Wool International said.
Merino fleece of 19/23 microns was two percent cheaper, 20m
0.5 percent dearer, 21m 0.5 percent cheaper, 22/24m up to 0.5
percent cheaper, 25m slightly dearer and 26m slightly cheaper.
Merino skirtings of 19/20 microns were 1.5 percent cheaper,
with others generally slightly cheaper.
In cardings, merino lambs were generally unchanged and
crossbred lambs four percent cheaper, while crutchings and
washing and carbonising locks were six percent cheaper.
WI said Japanese interests and Western Europe were principal
Of the 12,062 bales offered, 18.9 percent were passed in.
In early Fremantle trading, merino fleece of 21/22m was
generally unchanged, 23/25m fully firm and 24m one percent
dearer. Sales continue next week in Sydney and Adelaide with
about 59,000 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 26. siječnja 1998.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 450 58s SUPER 337
66s SUPER 419 58s BLENDED 323
64s SUPER 378 56s SUPER 323
64s BLENDED 372 54s CARDED 310
60s SUPER 358 50s CARDED 276
60s BLENDED 350 58s ENGLISH 247
56s ENGLISH 241
50s ENGLISH 237
Bradford wool market reduces prices on currency
LONDON, Jan 26 (Reuters) - Sterling's strength versus the
dollar led to price reductions of as much as 12 pence per kilo
in Bradford on Monday. traders said.
Consequently there was little confidence that a firmer
market would evolve from wool auctions scheduled over the next
three days.
One encouraging market feature was talk of a little more
business by two or three leading firms. There was said to be no
doubt that highly competitive prices applied, with this being
the only way to sell in a declining market.
However, to get new orders on the books is helpful when
pressures have been building to reduce order books threatening
machinery activity.
Deliveries were reported to be going out but not very well,
and there remains talk of the threat of short-time working in
the spinning sector.
271142 MET jan 98
London ostaje "usredotočen" na postizanje mira u Ukrajini
Poslušao "stručnjaka za kriptovalute" pa prevaren za sto tisuća eura
SKV: Svijet u 12,30 sati
SKV: Sport u 12.30 sati
Mlinarić: Ne pada nam na pamet srušiti vlastitu vladu
Ukrajina odlučna nastaviti suradnju s Washingtonom - premijer
Stranka Bandić Milan 365 u stečaju s imovinom od 5960 eura
Ukrajinci ogorčeni, smatraju da obustava američke pomoći ide na ruku Rusiji
Dimne bombe, tučnjava i kaos u srpskom parlamentu
Zavod za hitnu medicinu Međimurske županije bogatiji je za tri nova vozila