07. siječnja 1998.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 975n Med merino 21m 749
Fine merino 20m 846 Med merino 22m 700
Broad merino 23m 620n Comeback 25m 598n
Broad merino 24m 610n Comeback 26m 586n
Fine Xbred 27m 562n Med Xbred 29m 529n
Fine Xbred 28m 539n Med Xbred 30m 489n
Med Xbred 31m 477n Merino cardings 491n
Xbred cardings 410n Eastern mkt ind 684
Australian wool indicator falls 5 cents to 684c/kg
MELBOURNE, Jan 7 (Reuters) - The Australian wool market
eastern indicator fell five cents to 684 cents a kg clean on
Wednesday at sales in Melbourne, Wool International said.
Merino fleece was mostly cheaper, with 19 and 23 microns up
to 1.0 percent lower, 20 micron 0.5 percent lower and 25/26
microns slightly dearer.
Crossbreds were mixed, with 27m unchanged, 28/29m slightly
cheaper and 30/31m slightly dearer.
WI said there was general trade competition, but did not
mention specific interest shown from any country.
Of the 12,844 bales offered, 17.8 percent were passed in.
WI said sales will continue on Thursday in Melbourne and
Fremantle, with about 27,250 bales on offer.
Early reports from Fremantle where 11,818 bales were on
offer said merino fleece was cheaper across the board with 20m
three percent cheaper and 21/22m up to 1.5 percent cheaper.
Bradford - cijene vune - 29. prosinca 1997.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 479 58s SUPER 352
66s SUPER 439 58s BLENDED 340
64s SUPER 389 56s SUPER 338
64s BLENDED 385 54s CARDED 316
60s SUPER 372 50s CARDED 290
60s BLENDED 366 58s ENGLISH 250
56s ENGLISH 241
50s ENGLISH 237
Bradford wool market subdued by holiday period
LONDON, Dec 29 (Reuters) - Prices at Monday's Bradford wool
auction were left unchanged as most mills and firms were closed
for the Christmas/New Year holiday period, traders said.
Only a token attendance was made, they added.
The potential for the New Year to take a turn for the
better, was thought to be slight following disappointing
pre-Christmas sales and a stock build-up for January sales.
Economic uncertainties in Asia continued to hang over the
major wool primary markets.
081153 MET jan 98
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