15. siječnja 1998.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 960 Med merino 21m 734
Fine merino 20m 831 Med merino 22m 698
Broad merino 23m 619n Comeback 25m 588n
Broad merino 24m 602n Comeback 26m 578n
Fine Xbred 27m 558n Med Xbred 29m 516n
Fine Xbred 28m 526n Med Xbred 30m 491n
Med Xbred 31m 475n Merino cardings 459
Xbred cardings 415n Eastern mkt ind 673
Australian wool indicator falls 5 cents to 673c/kg
MELBOURNE, Jan 15 (Reuters) - The Australian wool market
eastern indicator fell five cents to 673 cents a kg clean on
Thursday at sales in Sydney and Geelong, Wool International
Merino fleece was mixed, with 19/20/21 microns one percent
cheaper, 22/23/24m slightly dearer, 25m unchanged and 26m
slightly cheaper while merino skirtings were generally
unchanged, it said.
In crossbreds, 27m was up to 0.5 percent cheaper, 28m
slightly cheaper, 29/31m 0.5 percent cheaper and 30m slightly
In cardings, lambs were firm, locks slightly cheaper and
crutchings firm.
WI said Japanese interests and Western Europe were principal
operators with good support from most sectors of the trade.
Of the 19,113 bales offered, 17.1 percent were passed in.
Sales continue next week in Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle
with about 83,360 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 19. siječnja 1998.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 465 58s SUPER 348
66s SUPER 430 58s BLENDED 332
64s SUPER 387 56s SUPER 333
64s BLENDED 382 54s CARDED 316
60s SUPER 369 50s CARDED 285
60s BLENDED 359 58s ENGLISH 250
56s ENGLISH 241
50s ENGLISH 237
Bradford wool market quiet and very competetive
LONDON, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Business was generally said to be
quiet and highly competitive, with only a few firms reasonably
satisfied with orders over the past few days, brokers said.
Combing was keeping adequately active but topmakers reported
that their spinner customers are not so well placed, and that
short-time working was likely soon, if it is not already taking
Sterling's strength was again cited as the main problem, and
was continuing to erode any hopes of successfully exporting.
Anxiety was also expressed over inroads made by imports at
every stage.
Far Eastern problems are said to be only adding to the
competitive aspect, as Asian countries cut down on wool
purchases and previous purchases are being shifted at low
201141 MET jan 98
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