The majority of citizens (86 per cent) who keep their expenses in check are 50 or older, ranking Croatia at the top among central and east European countries, followed by Germany, Hungary, Poland and Montenegro.
Seventy-seven per cent of Croatians claim they know their financial situation in detail at any moment, while 45 per cent say they never spend more than they planned to.
To 43 per cent of respondents, shopping is less satisfactory than in the past, to women slightly more than men.
Although 44 per cent of Croatians shop in discount stores, 26 per cent say they do not have to think about money when buying basic items such as clothes and food, while 35 per cent do.
Fifty-one per cent feel that borrowing must be well-thought out, 49 per cent would take out a loan or pay in instalments, primarily to buy a flat or a house, 36 per cent to buy a car or a motorcycle and 28 per cent to buy land.