ZAGREB, Nov 22 (Hina) - Croatian and Serb military commanders who
met in Sector West on 20 November reached a "Gentlemen's
Agreement on Cease-fire" to cover a ten-day period which came
into effect at 6 a.m. on 21 November. To date, the agreement has
been holding, said a press release signed by UNPROFOR spokeswoman
Shannon Boyd on Monday.
The statement said that the parties had agreed that the
Gentlemen's Agreement would help improve the negotiating
atmosphere and contribute to a reduction in tensions in Sector
west while they considered Brigadier Shabsough's proposal for a
written cease-fire agreement, presented to the parties on 21
The "Gentlemen's Agreement" obliges both parties to cease all
shooting and hostilities in the Sector, to prevent infiltration
and to ensure that there are no provocations, either on the
ground or in the media. The parties also agreed that UNPROFOR
would start work to set up a "hot line" to enable direct contact
between the two sides, and to establish a local joint commission
to deal with any incidents that may arise, said the statement.
UNPROFOR expects, with Croat agreement, to supervise a Serb
mine-clearance team working on specified fields in the Pakrac
Brigadier-General Tomsic for the Croat side and Colonel
Celeketic for the Serbs met under the chairmanship of UNPROFOR
Sector Commander Brigadier-General Shabsough in the presence of
Civil Affairs Co-ordinator Hugo Anson. Civilian representatives
of both sides were also present.
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